I am a kite ready to fly.
Tether is ready.
Roll out the line.
Lift, tension and drag,
Force me into the wind.
Aerial ballet.
Please don't reel me in.
I've always given freely of myself and with few, if any limits. I've heard more than once that I go too far and need to set boundaries on what I'm willing to give of myself. I know in theory this is fact, but it's something I've struggled to do. I can never seem to give enough, even to the point that I forget to leave something for me.
Today, something made me think of flying a kite, and a whole new image came to mind that finally made me see what I might be missing by giving so much. I'll never stop giving, but this new image gave me new reason for reevaluating how much I give and the need for balance.
The structure of a kite is both strong and flexible. One without the other won't fly. As free and floating as the kite seems in the air, it's only because of the tension in the line that the kite will get into the air at all. It's all about balance.
I thought more about the physics of flying a kite, and a metaphor was born. Life runs along trying to create the necessary opposing forces of drag and lift that allow and maintain flight. The more string I let out the faster life has to run to create the tension needed for me to fly. By giving in a more controlled and balanced way, I allow life to move at a more sustainable rate while I soar.
Here's to compassion. Here's to heart. Here's to giving ... but only a part.
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