Saturday, April 13, 2013

You had to be there: My sister and Mr. Possum

I don't remember our ages, but we were living in the house in Rolling Fields, so I was at least 9yo. Our house was built on a hill, so the front was one story and the back two. There was a second driveway in the back below the deck, and one afternoon, my sister and I found a possum standing there.

As an older sibling, I have always tried to protect my sister, but I think it's genetic with older siblings to occasionally torture their younger counterparts. My sister's naivety left her open to this a few times. The possum was an opening I couldn't resist.

Standing there staring at the possum, who was clearly hoping we wouldn't notice him, my sister asks me if she can pet it. I said yes, and when she wanted reassurance that said possum would not bite her, I responded, "Of course not, possums don't even have teeth."

I was the athletic one in our family. My sister was a bit of a priss. She was not quick by any means, but when she moved toward that possum and it showed her a mouth full of sharp teeth while hissing, my sister broke several laws of physics in the way she flew up the back steps of the deck and into the house.

The possum ran off, and I spent several minutes rolling on the ground laughing. I still laugh at the memory. As an older sibling, it's one of my proudest moments, but ...

Maybe you had to be there.

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