1. Yes, we should have bought the snow blower
2. Just when you think you're in the clear, watch out! In the past 8 weeks the DC area has gotten 4 FEET of snow. Who the hell would have ever thought! Well, we should have.
3. The Farmer's Almanac

4. Bread, milk and toilet paper aren't the only essentials obviously. I present exhibits A and B at the right. If you wanted potato bread or English muffins, the Harris Teeter in Tysons Corner was a good bet. Regular bread or frozen pizza? ... Ever heard the term SOL?
5. 3 guys offering to shovel your drive for $100 will do it for $45. And it was the best money we've ever spent! (No, we aren't horrible people. It only took them 10 minutes between them.) Thank God hubby cashed that check instead of depositing it!
6. Snow is really pretty -- and heavy. My friends and family who have said how much they'd like to see this snow are more than welcome to come and shovel it. Just goes to prove once again -- All things in moderation.
7. Don't mess with Mother Nature. The term "global warming" is deceptive, and I'm glad scientists have moved on to "climate change
Mother Nature is a powerful woman. She is to be respected, and the sooner we learn that, the better off we'll all be.
8. Baby's will be born when they want to. My 8 and a half month pregnant friend and her husband found out Saturday night. It didn't matter that they and everyone they knew were praying to God and anything else for the baby to wait a few days. Nope. Miss Emily Jane was born just before midnight on Saturday, February 6, thankfully at a hospital!
And last but not least, a quote from my favorite Disney movie, Robin Hood
9. "Love conquers all." Sometimes we choose an event and have to take the timing and situation we're given, as my aforementioned friends found out with Miss Emily. Other times we have more control, or the illusion of it anyway. Either way, man gets to find out on occasion just how small he really is in the scheme of things. The world is not at our mercy. We are at its.
As a friend got ready for his wedding Saturday, he and his bride-to-be were in for the time of their lives, even if it was no where near how they planned it. They even ended up on the evening news. I'll let Fox 5 in DC tell the story.
And to think all hubby, the dog and I did on Saturday night was watch Lord of the Rings
So there you have them. The 9 lessons I learned from the second snow storm this winter. I probably learned 10, but I like odd numbers better. For now, I think I will go out and pay homage to Mother Nature and photograph her in all her wintry beauty. Though we were wrong about not seeing this kind of snow again this year, the fact is we don't see this kind of beauty often enough in life. I need to go appreciate it.
Dammit, that was 10. Oh well.
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