Sunday, October 31, 2010

What's my sentence?

Books, their authors and their characters inspire me. They appeal to my cerebral nature. At times in my life, I've felt trapped inside my mind, but I've always known that my life's journey would not be one of physical or emotional pursuits, but intellectual ones. I look for experiences that broaden my mind and help me put the physical and emotional world into perspective for me.

One of my favorite authors is Daniel Pink, and his new book Drive has spawned a project for him -- and now one for me. This will be another trip of self discovery for me. This video explains the exercise from Daniel Pink's book.

Two questions that can change your life from Daniel Pink on Vimeo.

I can imagine with my talent for verbosity I am in danger of becoming a rambling paragraph with no purpose, and I need to focus and find my sentence. Something else has come onto my radar in recent weeks that has my mind twisted in trying to understand intentions and perceptions. I'm hoping that my project will help me reconcile the two and find my sentence in the process.

So I ask you what sentence would you write about me? It doesn't have to be long or all encompassing. It doesn't have to be positive. I want to learn from this project, and I can't do that by just looking for praise. I am who I am, and I don't want to be anyone else. I do want to understand how other people interpret me, so I can help the world see my true intentions and the real me. I hope you'll help.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Who do you think you are?

Hubby and I were on our way home after running an errand this afternoon, and we came across a display that has my blood boiling.

I have never been big on religion. I understand that a lot of people find peace and strength in their religion and their churches, but I have never been one of them. I do however have a strong belief system and faith that I'd put up against anyone's. Both have come from a long and careful study of religions ranging from Catholicism and Protestantism to Islam and Eastern philosophies. I tell you this because I do not want anyone having the idea that I am some heathen that believes anything goes or that I harbor some evil in my soul.

I am not Christian, but I've read the Bible twice, as well as the Catholic canon. There are many teachings of Jesus that have value, as do other stories from the Bible. I also think one of the most thought-provoking (and correct) statements ever made by a "Holy" person was said by Mohandas Gandhi: "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." This public display I witnessed could prove nothing more true.

Outside a church on Broad Street in Falls Church, along both sides of this main drag, a hundred people stood with signs decrying and damning abortion and those who perform or receive one. Really, folks? You got up this morning and went to church to listen to the teachings of Christ and, afterward, felt so self-righteous and superior as to display to the public your judgment on people and situations you know nothing of?  Did God come down and empower you to judge others? Did you wake up this morning with some omniscience that makes you able to make broad, unqualified judgments? Are you so perfect that you can stand publicly and cast stones at others? Is your world so black and white as to leave no room for extenuating circumstances? Here's my real question: Who the fuck do you think you are?

Putting aside my own views on whether or when abortion may be right or wrong, I would never presume to stand in judgment of others when I don't know anything about them as a person or their situation. I would never presume to see the world in such stark contrast as to remove the gray areas, situations that warrant an exception.

I know there are people who want nothing more than to have children. I know people who want nothing less. I am one of them, and if I could trade places with them, I would without hesitation. It's like everything else in life; it's not fair, and I take my stand as pro-choice without intent to harm those people, those who have benefited from adoption or realized that an unintentional pregnancy is their biggest blessing. I simply say that no one has the right to judge me, no one has the right to decide for me what I can or cannot do with my body. It's no one else's fucking business.

So to those protesters who were not seeking to affect law (you know the one that's been in place since 1973), but instead to cast judgments and shame on others, I ask you to think the next time you preach or quote your Bible, what actions will you have to defend when you are held accountable, what have you done to create harmony in the universe, is there compassion in your heart, words and deeds? ... What would Jesus do?