Saturday, May 30, 2009

I give a lot and I expect a lot in return.

I am who I am, and I expect nothing more or less of a friend. Life's too short for games.

If you can't be honest with your friends and expect the same from them, what do you have anyway?

Of mind. Of spirit.

A person who cannot be compassionate to other people and animals is no true friend.

I cannot abide someone who does not know and practice accountability in all parts of their life.

Without a doubt, I'm a dog person.

As someone famous said, I'd love to be the person my dog thinks I am. Dogs are loving and affectionate, and they represent the very best we are all capable of being.

Only top volume will do

For very different reasons each of these songs speak to me, but each says more at full volume.

Lesson of a lifetime

If you love your life the way it is, you have to accept the path that got you there as the right one. If you go back and change one thing in your past, you could change where you end up. Of all the things I might do differently in hindsight, I love my life right now too much to take anything back.